
Ghost Song Radio is a production of Thoth Media in association with the TCHS Network. It is a podcast about the paranormal, supernatural, mystical, magical, esoteric, and unknown. Each season will consist of twelve episodes released every two weeks, featuring a wide range of topics that will be explored from multiple angles, with the intent of stripping away the layers of misunderstanding and hype surrounding each topic. At Ghost Song Radio, we believe that “mysterious” does not have to equal “terrifying.”

The show is hosted by Dominick Balsamo. You may know him as the co-host of the Post Mortem Show Horror Movie Podcast, or the co-producer and composer for True Crime Horror Story. He is a musician, professional wrestling promoter, and candle-maker. Dominick has been obsessed with the weird for as long as he can remember, and has over twenty-five years of experience as a paranormal investigator and occult researcher. He is also a practicing chaos magician. Dominick’s approach to the paranormal is one of a skeptical believer; meaning that he believes that a world exists beyond that which we see with our common five senses, but that he also wants to examine all claims for “worldly” explanations before he is willing to accept something as “otherworldly.” His personal mission is to demystify the subject of the hidden, open up a meaningful dialog on the truth and fiction surrounding the paranormal, and to remove the element of fear surrounding the unknown.

Welcome to the House of Weird. This is Ghost Song Radio!